So....its been a long time since I've posted on this blog regarding anything to do with anything really. This blog was mainly used to show the journey of my university project - Qwoffee a collectible toy I designed almost a year a go now. Since my last post back in May 2012 allot has happened to me including graduating university and discovering life as a designer outside the comforts of the uni lifestyle. Well enough of the story telling and more with the point of this post!
As the title states my toy design for Qwoffee has been given a new life and a chance for him to become a real product which everyone could buy and own! Thanks to the help of toy manufacturers- Shouldbee who are responsible for making some of the best looking collectible toys around!
So if your looking to get your very own Qwoffee please click on the link and vote for my design (other Qwoffee variants will also be available along the line so don't just think there is only one design to choose from).
If my design gets enough votes then it will have the chance of getting produced and will be available for purchase. So do it for Qwoffee and vote for him at