Friday 30 March 2012

Qwoffy - Sitting down method recap

Developing the sitting down pose. The highlighted pose looks the most aesthetically pleasing due to its overall pose and shape.

Qwoffy - Body Experimentation

Varous experimental sketches were done to test the pose of the character's body.
Many of these poses are pushed too far or either dont suit the character so the sitting down method done before will be developed further.

Qwoffy- Development Sketches

Back to development to make the figure more rounded and flow more. Still kept with the sitting down theme.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Qwoffy - Rough clay sketch model - Model 1

A 3-D model was created to see Qwoffy in a visual form. The model was produced with air dry clay and sanded smooth.
* The model came out well with it's structure being strong and sturdy aswell as its finish being nice and smooth. Comparing to these good points the character still needs work as it looks too plain and straight. Development on the character and what I want to show in the character will be done.